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Speech by M.Kula Segaran at Batu 7, Tualang Sekah organized by PAS Perak on Sunday, 8th April 2012:

Pakatan Rakyat is committed to changes that will bring about a better Malaysia for all

Until two weeks ago, all speculation has pointed to a May/June general election.

However, the new speculation is that September will now be the most likely date.

Dato Sri Najib assumed the post of prime ministership 3 years ago.

He is now going round the country blowing the trumpets that he has achieved much successes.

He talks about the Economic Transformation Programme, 1 Malaysia concept and so on. Yet with Merdeka Centre's latest survey showing his approval ratings at 69%, why is he still hesitant about calling a general election?

I believe that with the new political landscape created by the 308 general election, Najib is still very unsure how BN will really perform in the coming general election which is going to be the most important election in the nation's history.

He apologised to the voters in the Hulu Selangor by election and BN lost more Chinese votes. He made the "I help you and you help me" plea in the Sibu by election and the traditional BN stronghold was won by the DAP.

Today, while many recipients feel happy about the RM 500 given under the BR 1 M scheme, BN knows that many will not be swayed into voting for BN.

While BN government talks about having introduced some legislative reforms, it knows too well that it has failed to meet the people's expectations. Worse, many voters do not see the BN government as one that is sincere and committed to real, meaningful and significant political and policy changes that will bring about a better Malaysia for All.

Najib talks about 1 Malaysia. This concept is supposed to mean justice and equality for all. But the people can see that 1 Malaysia talk is nothing but mere political sloganeering.

On March 25 , more than 10,000 people have converged at New Era College in Kajang to attend the Protest Rally organsied by Dong Zong.

The event demanded that the government transfers out hundreds of teachers who do not have Chinese language qualification out of Chinese primary schools.

It was also to highlight the enduring discrimination Chinese schools face, particularly the shortage of teachers.

The problems faced by the Chinese schools are decades old issues, yet the BN government has failed to address and resolve the issues.

25 years ago, there was a protest rally at Kuala Lumpur Thean Ho Temple to protest against the Education Ministry for allocating teachers who did not understand Chinese to hold high positions in Chinese primary schools.

MCA was one of the political parties at the rally and it took the same stand with the rally.

But at the 325 rally, MCA representative Dr Wee Ka Siong was booed at the rally.

25 years ago, the same "in office but not in power" MCA was at least prepared to take the same stand as the Chinese community and the Opposition parties to protest against unfair government policy, but 25 years later, MCA top leaders dared not even attend the Kajang 325 rally.

This shows MCA is a party that has grown from bad to worse when it comes to championing the Chinese community's interest.

Pakatan Rakyat is committed to changes that will bring about a Better Malaysia for All. So come the next general election, vote Pakatan Rakyat to bring about A Better Malaysia for All.

* M. Kula Segaran, DAP National Vice Chairman & MP for Ipoh Barat



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